Theme: Easter This is what Bentley was doing while we were preparing to dye eggs! (note: The pillow, the boot, the shredded paper, the harness - all things he's NOT supposed to have!
Theme: The Birds of Spring by Danny Art from some of my favorite artist friends.
Danny and I frequently trade art. I have quite a few works by him in my private collection! This one always brings a smile, especially when I recall the time that a bird flew over and deposited a "gift" down my back. It managed to aim right for the loosely fitting neckline... and everything oozed down under my shirt! I was about nine or ten when that happened!
My favorite way to spend my time is BEING A MOM! Olivia is 15 - and embracing the teen years with gusto (ahem). I'm also an artist and up to my EARS in graduate school - almost finished! When I'm through with school I will be a licensed professional counselor with a concentration in art therapy. My husband, Randy and I have been married for 16 years - He is the love of my life! We live in the country on a magnificent 14-acre parcel of land - We are blessed beyond belief --and God is good - ALL the time! This blog is where I can share any thoughts that might be rattling around in my brain and you can decide if I'm sane or not.