Thursday, April 2, 2009

Random Photo #55

Theme: The Birds of Spring by Danny
Art from some of my favorite artist friends.

Danny and I frequently trade art.
I have quite a few works by him in my private collection!
This one always brings a smile,
especially when I recall the time that a bird
flew over and deposited a "gift" down my back.
It managed to aim right for the loosely fitting neckline...
and everything oozed down under my shirt!
I was about nine or ten when that happened!


  1. ha.
    deb, i guess that blessing that the bird dropped down your neck sure wasn't appreciated.
    i will be a bad girl and quote the poem that my brother, gary used to say,
    birdie, birdie in the air,
    dropped a tirdy in my hair.
    birdie birdie in the sky.
    dropped a tirdy in my eye.
    now aren't you really glad
    that elephants don't fly.

    i guess your artist friend likes to draw great expressive eyes too, eh deb.
    great terry
